These are a few images I came across while researching our family history. I was having a real problem connecting our
family to Henry Woodward; where some other researchers their reserach at Fain and Way Woodward, I picked it up from there.
It was pure luck, while I was researching the Wise County, Va geneaological website, that I perused the Woodward marriages
database, and found my grandfather Merle(Muriel, Merrell), and his father, Fain Woodward.
The problems I ran into were the mispellings of proper names, and the use of what had to be nicknames. I saw William's
name listed as Fain on the marriage records of himself to Macie Parsons, and also on his WWI draft card. Yet, in the census'
that I have scanned up on this site, he is listed as William. Once it was determined that Fain and William are one in the
same person, that he was married to Macie(Mazie) Parsons, and that his father was J.L. Woodward(Jesse), who was married to
Sarah Florence Fleenor( also listed as Sarah Fleenor and Florence Fleenor in the marriage database), our connection to
Capt. Henry Wooward was finalized.
1900 Federal Census, Sarah Florence Fleenor |

Newspaper Article, Teddy Woodward, son of William |

Upon his entrance in the Army, Sept 7, 1942 |
1910 Census William(Fain) Woodward |

WWI Draft Card William (Fain) Woodward |

1930 Census William (Fain) Woodward |

1910 Census, Sarah Fleenor Woodward |

Gravestone Harold L. Woodward |

Abraham Lincoln National Cemetary, IL |
Gravestone of Howard and Helen (Woodward)Herron |

Big Stone Gap, VA |